We perform concierge style mobile live scan fingerprinting services at a location of your choosing. Live scan is a digital fingerprinting process that replaces traditional ink fingerprinting.
An applicant’s fingerprints are securely transmitted to California Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation, which perform criminal history background checks using an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). We carefully examine your fingerprint images and identification data before submission to reduce rejections and re-submissions. Our current DOJ/FBI acceptance rate is 100%.
Please reach us at rusty@valleylivescan.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Who needs live scan services?
There are numerous jobs, license applications and volunteers that require a live scan background check. Here is a PARTIAL list of positions requiring a live scan:
1. Teacher Credential
2. Registered Nurse
3. Criminal Record Review
4. California Bar Attorney
5. School Employee
6. School Volunteer
7. School Law Enforcement Officer
8. Home Care Aide
9. Home Care Organization
10. Adult Day Care Facility
11. Adult Date Support Center
12. Adult Residential Facility
13. Social Rehabilitation Facility
14. Adult Day Resident/Rehab
15. Child Care Center
16. Infant Center
17. School-Age Child Care Center
18. Day Care Center
19. Family Child Care Home
20. Family Day Care
21. Foster Family Agency/Adoptions Agency
22. Foster Family Agency Certified Home
23. Group home (6 or less or 7 or more children)
24. Community Treatment Facility
25. Residential Care Facility
26. Small Family Home
27. Transitional Home Placement Program
28. Alarm Company Operator, Manager, Manager with Firearm
29. Alarm Agent
30. Alarm Agent Employee
31. Alarm Agent Employee with Firearm
32. Locksmith Company/Employee
33. Private Investigator
34. Private Investigator with Firearm
35. Private Patrol Operator
36. Private Patrol Operator with Firearm
37. Repossession Agency License/Manager/Employee
38. Security Guard
39. Security Guard with Firearm
40. Firearms Permit
41. Licensed Dentist
42. Registered Dental Assistant
43. Registered Dental Hygienist
44. Orthodontic Assistant
45. Dental Sedation Assistant
46. Car Dealer
47. Vehicle Salesperson
48. Driving School Owner/Operator/Instructor
49. Traffic School Owner/Operator/Instructor
50. Vehicle Dismantler/Distributor
51. Contractor State License
52. Real Estate License
53. Check Cashers Permit
54. Escrow Agent
55. Mortgage Banker
56. Gambling Card Room Key/Owner/Work Permit
57. Tribal Gaming
58. Acupuncture Board
59. Board of Behavioral Sciences
60. Board of Optometry
61. Chiropractic
62. Massage Therapist
63. Doctor of Pediatric Medicine
64. Vocational Nurse
65. Pharmacist
66. Pharmacy Intern/Technician/Wholesaler
67. Psychiatric Technician
68. Physical Therapy / Assistant
69. Psychology
70. Respiratory Care
71. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
72. Visa/Immigration
73. Record Review
74. Identity Theft
75. Notary Public
76. Structural Pest Control
77. Occupational Therapy
78. Cemetery and Funeral Service
79. Emergency Medical Agency
80. Certified Nurse Assistant
81. Home Improvement Salesperson
82. Carry Concealed Weapon License Application (CCW)
You must have THREE copies of a completed "Request for Live Scan Service" form. There are several versions of this form depending on the agency requesting your fingerprints. You MUST HAVE a valid "ORI Number" on the form. This is the identifier that routes your completed background check to the appropriate requestor. We cannot complete your live scan without this number. You can get this code from the organization requesting your fingerprints. The most popular blank forms are available from the links below:
Blank FBI FD-258 Ink Fingerprint Form
Alarm Company Live Scan Fingerprinting Form
Alarm Employee Live Scan Form
Locksmith Live Scan Form
Private Investigator Live Scan Form
Private Patrol Live Scan Form
Private Security Live Scan Form
Repossession Company Live Scan Form
Security Guard Live Scan Form
Firearms & Baton Live Scan Fingerprinting Form
Other Firearm & Weapon Live Scan Form
School District Teacher Credentialing
School Employee Fingerprinting Form
Fingerprinting for School Volunteer
School Law Enforcement & Peace Officer
Youth Sports
Acceptable primary forms of photo identification include one unexpired version of the following:
However, in the absence of a primary form of ID, you must have any two unexpired forms of the following identification:
When using secondary form of identification, you must validate authenticity by also providing at least two forms of the following supplemental documents:
Simply call, text or WhatsApp us at (818)615-0703. We will arrange a convenient appointment for the services needed and review with you the items needed for a successful visit. You can also email us at rusty@valleylivescan.com with a description of the services and timeframe needed and we will get back to you directly.
Each service is unique and priced accordingly.
Live Scan Fingerprinting - $55 rolling fee, plus travel and fees charged by DOJ and FBI for background/firearms check, if any (some requestors pay these fees on your behalf). A current schedule of fees can be obtained from the CA DOJ:
CA DOJ Applicant Fingerprint Processing Fees
You can also estimate your government fees if you have the ORI number from your paperwork by checking the Certifix website here:
Result availability varies by applicant. Often, results are available within a few hours. Occasionally, it may take up to 14 days. Background checks requiring firearms may take slightly longer.
Valley LiveScan transmits fingerprints to California Department of Justice daily. Once submitted, you can check the status of your background check with California DOJ on their website:
Applicant Background Check Status
You will need the "ATI Number" from your Live Scan form and your date of birth to see your current background check status.
Yes, Valley Livescan is a Certifix Live Scan provider. We will happily accept Certifix tokens for payment of your rolling and/or government fees. Travel fees are additional.
We also accept Certifix direct bill accounts for payment of your rolling and/or government fees. Travel fees are additional.
Certainly! This saves you and your organization time and money by fingerprinting a group of applicants at once. Travel fees are reduced in this situation and you don't have team members traveling all over to find a live scan location over several days. This allows you to complete the process for an entire pool of applicants at once. All identification and paperwork requirements still apply, but the process is easily streamlined when everyone is together. Our systems are completely self-sufficient so we operate in virtually any environment with or without electricity.
Valley LiveScan transmits all Live Scan data securely to our processing partner Certifix Live Scan. Certifix Live Scan is a pioneering leader in the realm of identity management and fingerprinting services.
The fingerprints are then sent securely via electronic transmission to the appropriate FBI or California DOJ-certified channeling agencies for background check processing.